Get Involved

Get Involved

Take a Seat at the Kudzu Table

Volunteers are the heart of our organization. We count on your help in many ways! Camp Kudzu has many volunteer roles to choose from, with a variety of positions, time commitments, and locations. The 600+ volunteers from around the country and from all backgrounds and professions make it possible to educate, empower and inspire children living with type 1 diabetes.

Camp Volunteers

Our many programs have volunteer opportunities from arts and crafts to cabin counselors to logistics. We also seek medical staff to bring their skills and healthy attitude to our staff community. Whether it’s at summer camp, Teen Retreat or any other program, your time and talent will be greatly appreciated!

Year-Round Volunteers

There’s plenty to help with throughout the year! We always need people to assist in the office with mailings, organizing, and more. Every day has new items to tackle! We’re also always looking for people to join committees and help with our two annual special events: Evening Under the Stars and Kudzu Cup FORE! Kids Golf Tournament.

Volunteer Information

Volunteer Qualifications

Volunteer staff for Camp Kudzu overnight camp programs must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 19 years old and at least one-year post high school life experience (e.g. a year of college or a year of work)
  • Desire and ability to work with children outdoors in a camp setting
  • Good character, integrity, and adaptability
  • Ability to be a positive member of a staff team
  • Commitment to attend the entire week of camp
  • Commitment to attend pre-camp training and orientation
  • Possess strength and endurance required to maintain consistent supervision of campers for seven-day resident camping experience
  • Visual and auditory ability to identify and respond to environmental and other hazards related to the activities of camp programs

Training Dates

All volunteers who are new to Camp Kudzu (or even missed a few years!) are required to attend New Staff Orientation prior to summer camp sessions! New Staff Orientation dates are announced in early spring and/or at the time you are accepted to volunteer!

New volunteers who are attending a weekend program will receive training and necessary information through Staff Guides and orientation on-site at the beginning of the program!

“Incredible organization. Attended as a camper, spent two years as a Counselor-in-Training and have been back nearly every summer since because Camp Kudzu is such an amazing group. The staff clearly wants to be there and help campers enjoy the most out of their “journey” while at camp. It is one of the most rewarding weeks you can spend your time.”
- Camp Kudzu Volunteer

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