Ways to Give

Ways to Give

YOU have the power to make a difference today in the life of a child or teen living with type 1 diabetes. Our kids have one shot at childhood and one chance to learn and develop good habits that will allow them to fight complications of diabetes such as blindness, kidney failure, vascular disease, neuropathy, and depression.  Here are some ways that you can make an impact:

Because of generous donors like you, Camp Kudzu subsidizes approximately 75% of the cost of camp for all campers and provides scholarships to children with the greatest financial needs. More than half of our participants receive financial support, and 65% of those receive a full scholarship due to financial hardship.

Our staff is small, but our mission is big… and we need your help! Whatever form your gift takes, you can be confident that it goes towards providing crucial services to children and teens affected by type 1 diabetes.

Signature Giving Programs

The Camp Kudzu Team is optimistic for the summers to come! As we continue to make plans to expand our programming and reach across the state of Georgia.

You might be thinking — how will we accomplish all of this and sustain? Undoubtedly, the answer is, we will require YOUR HELP TODAY! Camp Kudzu has two important giving programs, the Compass Society and Kudzu’s M.A.P. Alliance. Both of these vital programs will ensure our resilience and longevity. It allows Camp Kudzu to do what we do best in supporting our T1D community!

Learn more about how you can help Camp Kudzu make life better for children and teens with type 1 diabetes by contacting Desirae August at Desirae.August@campkudzu.org.

Other Ways to Give