Camp Kudzoom

Staying safe at home doesn’t mean you can’t participate in Camp KudZoom! In 2020, Camp Kudzu started a new online program in response to COVID-19, creating a new way for us to continue to offer programs to our type 1 diabetes (T1D) community.
We utilize a customized online platform, where campers are organized into virtual “cabins,” get to participate in activities linked to our Summer Project at Camp Kudzu (or Summer P.A.C.K.). During the summer of 2020, we hosted several virtual week-long programming sessions. These sessions were tailored for both our younger campers and older campers.
We are PROUD to be able to expand our programming in this way and proud of everyone who has worked hard to innovate and develop this exciting new Camp Kudzu program series.

In 2020, campers received a personalized Summer P.A.C.K. which included a 2020 Camper T-Shirt and all the supplies they needed to take part in Camp KudZoom.
Each Summer P.A.C.K. was mailed to our campers, allowing them to participate in an array of activities and stay connected online with their fellow campers, volunteer staff, and our broader Kudzu Community.
This special project was at NO COST to our families. We are thankful to our generous Camp Kudzu Corporate Partners and our sponsors who helped us make this happen!
For more information about Camp Kudzoom and Sponsorship Opportunities for future Summer P.A.C.K.s please email